UFOs? Aliens? Intelligent life beyond Earth? The truth may be out there, but some locals still aren't comfortable talking about what they believe
We write about them, talk about them, make movies and films on the subject, but admit you believe there's intelligent life on other planets? Well, maybe privately.
More than two dozen people who were asked their opinion were more than willing to talk on the matter — but not on the record. What's interesting is, all but two believe. And to the last one, the believers felt it was the rational response. To imagine all universes void of life with the exception of earth seemed a ludicrous concept. But on the record? Thanks, but no thanks. They'd rather the neighbors didn't know.
Only one person admitted to a sighting. She was excited to talk about the experience — off the record. The East Kingston resident saw her UFO on Route 108 between Exeter and Kingston, a few decades back. "It's been a 'stick to beat me with' at the family reunions for years. It's good-natured, but I don't need it to be out there ...; to my friends," she says. "So, no. Not on the record."
With decades to think about it, does she still think it was an alien space ship she spotted? "Sometimes I question it. ...; It was a long time ago. I'll never really know what it was, will I? But it wasn't a plane, and it was definitely different. I've never seen anything act like that — holding steady, and then gone. ...; Yes I guess I did see what I thought I saw."
So aliens are a given? "They would have to be wouldn't they? Not little green things. But I do believe in intelligent life, other than us. It only makes sense."
There it is — the oft-repeated comment; the one few would admit to on record.
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